Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating is for Everyone

Learn to reconnect to your body’s inner wisdom, and with it, your ability to trust food and your body.


Break Free of Dieting

If you have spent years living by someone else’s rules of what it means to be healthy, or constantly trying to lose weight, we can help guide you back to being the boss of your own body.

Intuitive Eating is a set of 10 principles that help you learn to notice and feel what arises from within your body to get both your biological and psychological needs met. This process involves finding and removing the obstacles and disruptors to attunement, which usually come from the mind in the form of rules, beliefs, and thoughts.

As Claire likes to say:

  1. Food is more than just nutrition facts

    You deserve to eat tasty, satisfying foods. You deserve to eat when you're hungry- that's your body's way of telling you it needs more energy. Foods should not be grouped into "good" or "bad" categories based on nutrition facts.

  2. Health looks different on everyone

    We can’t judge someone's health based on how they look or the number on a scale. You know what is best for your body, and we’’ll help guide and support you in finding your individual nutrition needs.

  3. You don’t need rules to be healthy

    Rules only create fear and anxiety around food and eating. Relying on external rules only tunes out your body's natural signals, so let’s help you reconnect with your body's natural cues.

Find the freedom to live healthy and happy, and leave behind diet culture. We'll explore how food and nutrition relate to your health goals. Together, we'll make positive, sustainable changes to promote health through food. You'll learn to respect what your body needs without ever having to get on a scale again.