Tips + Tricks for Bad Body Image Days

Most people have days where they wake up and just don’t feel like their best selves. Body image can be a struggle for many people of all ages, and can even come when we least expect it. While your relationship with your own body is just that, a relationship that often takes work and patience, there are a few tips and tricks we suggest when those tough days show up to help you get through to the other side.

It can feel overwhelming to “love your body” and for some people, that may not be their goal. But all bodies are deserving of respect. Here are a few ways in which you can show your body respect:

  • Nourish your body: No matter how much your are struggling with body image, your body needs fuel. Giving your brain and muscles the energy they need to get you through the day is a way to show your body some care and respect.

  • Treat yourself with kindness: recognizing that you are having a hard day or week is an important part of showing yourself respect. Reframing negative self talk with kindness and compassion is important when you are not feeling like your best self

  • Wear something comfortable: respecting your body can also look like changing into clothes that make you feel comfortable. Jeans not working for you today? Maybe a dress would be a better option.

  • Focus on appreciation: while you may not like everything about your body, you can still appreciate the things your body does for you. Do you like to play a musical instrument? How does your body allow for you to enjoy playing the piano? Taking care of your kids or spending time with friends? Appreciation for your body is another way to show it respect.

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